Information about Parklane Construction LLP, its projects, applicable laws, plans, links, hyperlinks and local conditions are liable to change from time to time and such changes may be updated periodically on this website however, Parklane Construction LLP, Porwal Developers or Partners of Companies (collectively "PCL") do not guarantee or warranty that this site reflects the latest amendments/ information at all times or at any time.
Information about the projects is indicative of the kind of development that is proposed. Artists' impressions are used to illustrate some products and features. Furniture, floor coverings, curtains, mirrors, wall hangings, light fittings, furnishings, decor, etc., if any, are shown for reference only and the finished price of the product does not include these items. PCL reserves the right to alter, amend and vary the layout, plans, specifications or features subject to the approval of the authorities, without prior notice or obligation.
The website, displays artistic impression images, amenities and illustrations proposed for the entire layout and not only for the registered project under MAHARERA. We request all to visit MAHARERA website to get more detailed information about a current offering. We do not wish to misguide any of the customers visiting the website.
A few Images, cut section plan and floorplan displayed on the website are as per the sanction plan and does not include the columns, projections or offset that are part of a unit.
The standard unit of measurement for planning and drafting is in metres and converting metres to feet may vary to some extent. Therefore, please consider 3% variations as per MAHARERA standard.
While effort is made to provide correct information, however, any action taken or response to any communication/s is gratuitous and is not service or assistance of any nature. Any recipient or user of any information or material on this site may avail of the same entirely at his own risk as to costs and consequences.
PCL has the right to reproduce, monitor, and disclose any transmission or information received and made to this website. The company does not undertake to make any announcement in case any of this information becomes materially incorrect in future or updates any information made from time to time by or on behalf of the company.
All information is prepared and issued in good faith and is for guidance only. It does not constitute part of an offer or contract. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any opinions, advice, services or other information provided. All information contained on any page is distributed with the understanding that the authors, publishers, and distributors are not rendering legal or other professional service or advice or opinions on specific facts or matters, and accordingly, assume no liability whatsoever in connection with its use. Consult your own legal or tax advisor or real estate expert with respect to your investment/purchase of flats or premises.
The contents, service marks, graphic images, buttons, layout, information, text, opinions and material contained in this website are the exclusive property of PCL and are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. No person shall use, copy, reproduce, distribute, imitate publish, display, modify, create derivative works or database, use, transmit, exploit, sell or distribute the same in whole or in part or any part thereof without prior express written permission from PCL. The facility to print an article or portion of text material on this website through a computer / electronic device does not tantamount to prior written consent.
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PCL also thank its clients, partners and associates for using the Logo of their respective organization on the website. The logos used are purely for representation purposes.
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